Buddha´s Philosophy / La Filosofía de Buddha


Buddha’s philosophy contains the teachings to become an illuminated being, how to master oneself, release the mind, and achieve inner peace. Mastering oneself is to control the mind and the emotional states, thus giving proper importance to the inner self rather than the outer self, for instance the materialism, the situation, and the conditions of the universe. Releasing the mind is to forget the problems that happened in the past and to refrain from unnecessary desires, specially those which create the problems in the first place, and those that could cause future problems. Achieving inner peace does not depend on the materialism of the universe and the egos in oneself. Consider that Buddha’s teachings can help people to have the best possible lifestyle by recognizing themselves, awaking consciousness, and achieving inner peace.

Mastering oneself is necessary to practise breathing exercises which are essential for practising discipline like martial arts, yoga, and meditation because one will need to control the mind and the emotions. When people perform the exercises with adequate breathing, at the same time they achieve the necessary focus on the inner part of themselves, specially achieving to feel better and calm down. Therefore, breathing exercises are essential for body, mind and spirit. In addition, mastering oneself is fundamental to control the mind and emotions through breathing exercises.

Releasing the mind in a pleasant atmosphere is necessary for practising breathing exercises. A pleasant atmosphere is fundamental for the state of mind through the five senses: touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste. For example, the sounds of nature (a river, a waterfall, the wind) can affect the mind in a positive way. In addition, mental activity can affect the emotions. Therefore, a pleasant atmosphere is essential for controlling the five senses and the mind. So, healthy mental activity can help people to get balance in their life.

Achieving inner peace is necessary to master oneself and release the mind not only to practise exercises using adequate breathing like martial arts and yoga, but also for meditating. Furthermore, meditation is essential to recognize oneself, thus giving more importance to the inner self and knowing who oneself really is. Therefore, when one give proper importance to the inner self, it means that one can abandon dependence on the materialism of the universe and the egos in oneself. For example, if the king of a country want to be an illuminated being, he should abandon the interest of governing and rather listen people about their needs and living conditions.

In conclusion, Buddha’s philosophy can teach how to master oneself, how to release the mind, and how to achieve inner peace, those which achieve to recognize oneself. In addition, to recognize oneself is fundamental to know who oneself really is. When one recognize oneself, awakes consciousness, and achieves inner peace, at the same time one is becoming an illuminated being. In fact, Buddha’s philosophy can help people to have the best possible lifestyle with the harmonized mind and emotions by achieving inner peace.

Jiàoliàn Luis Daniel Rodríguez 
Instructor Da Mo Wu Bogotá
